Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Worse Snap Hook We've Ever Seen!

Jake, the groom, is front row, second from right.

1st Hole

Well what else are you going to call the first post on a new blog that deals with golf. Ah the game that has been the ruin of many a young man, and the maker of fewer still. When I was in high school I played just good enough to make the school team and not totally embarrass myself.

I eventually gave the game up because I would most often end up completely stressed out about my play. I thought it absurd to pay money for doing something I felt worse for the having done it.

This last year I have begun to play again, due primarily to the involvement by my son Jake. We had a golf tournament for the people who were invited to his wedding. It was a real treat. Jake and I have played several times since, once by ourselves. There will be, Lord willing, more of that.

Ok I’m teed off, here we go. Some how I think this is going to be more relaxing than my early years on the links. May the breeze always be at your back. FOOORE!